Okay, so Jackson turns 2 on Saturday. Yeah, 2, as in "No" is the appropriate answer for all questions, as in Finding Nemo is on perpetual repeat and Mommy & Daddy are "Jerks" (don't ask!) for not pretending to be stuck to the floor for hours on end. But in all fairness, he is pretty cool right now. He has his moments and I am sure that the coming year will bring many more tantrums, but for the most part he is a pretty well adjusted kid. You can have a conversation with him and he knows what you are talking about (he doesn't always listen, but it registers); also, he can help pick up his toys and he can play games. I think that this year is going to be really fun. He changes so much all the time, I can only imagine how different he will be this time next year.
Last year we were desperately trying to get him to walk, Grandma insisted that he could say "Moo" for a cow (but no one else could substantiate her claim), and he showed very little interest in his birthday cupcakes. 

This year he is running and does not think that you should be tired after a half an hour of racing back and forth, thank you very much! Also, he does not stop talking (real words no less) and God forbid you give him just ice cream, he will take cake with his ice cream, thank you. I cannot wait to see what this year has in store.
So we are having my family over for his birthday party. I am really excited because any family get-togethers always happen at my moms house. But I think that it is important to start traditions early. I know that he won't remember, but when he asks questions or looks at pictures later on in life, I want him to know that Mom and Dad did those things for him. I know that both our families only want to help, especially when they know that money is tight, but I subscribe to the belief that you just have to live your life. There will always be more bills to pay and things that you could have saved more for, but if you don't have any special memories to look back on because "you just couldn't afford it" then what kind of life is that? I personally would rather be in debt and happy than have a savings and miserable. (Of course, the ideal path would be to have enough money to save and do the fun stuff too).
So, at any rate, I am throwing Jack a Jungle themed birthday party. Complete with handmade banana invitations, a snake made out of cupcakes and vines all over the house (I know, very Martha of me!!). I am still a little swamped, I am an over planner. Or as Josh and my mother would prefer to call it, obsessive compulsive. Call it what you will. Bottom line is, the party is tomorrow and I still need to make all the food, decorate the entire house, bake, frost and decorate the cupcakes as well as get myself presentable. It may be acceptable (debatable) to show up to work without showering but I must look the part of sophisticated, trendy and skinny mom for Jacks party. And I know, it is only my family who will be attending. And yes, that is the same family that hails from Wisconsin, land of never ending 80's trends, but I am supposed to be the fashionable example.
Needless to say, I am sure that I will leave all of this until tomorrow morning when I will inevitably blow up at Josh for not wiping the counter the right way or something. It is terrible, I know how I get but I just cannot function any other way. And I wonder why he looses his patience with me.
All in all, I am sure the party will be great. Jack's attention span is comparable to that of a test rat, so he will be happy just to have compliant servants to boss around. Assuming the food actually gets made (and I don't have to frantically order pizza's) the adults will be entertained. Plus, I have this uber creative activity of decorating homemade binoculars (read: toilet paper rolls covered in construction paper) that is sure to be a hit! I think we have the makings of a Second Birthday Party for the record books!
Well, I don't think my bosses would appreciate me using valuable company time to compare myself to Martha Stewart so I really should get back to work. Check back on Monday for all the details of what is sure to be an eventful weekend! (I think I should sign off with some sort of catchy line, like anything you would hear on Bravo! I'll work on that but in the mean time...) "Watch what happens!"