The ins and outs of life as a working mom
Friday, May 30, 2008
I truly am Fabulous!
I am so stoked to use the jogging stroller. I even got an armband and new earphones for my Ipod so that I will officially be the trendiest, cutest, most in shape mom in my neighborhood! Really I swear! I worked out for like an hour or so last night and it felt great (except that I won't work out that close to bedtime anymore because I could not wind down afterwards, my brain was going a mile a minute). I used the Gazelle for a while, and yes I do have a baseball cap with a crimped blond ponytail a la Tony Little, then I did some cardio and yoga. It was so motivating. Now if only I could figure out how to get my coordination back I would be all set. I had to stop multiple times because I was moving my feet and hands all wrong and getting completely off balance. It was interesting but still GREAT! Have I said great enough yet?
I plan to get up right away this weekend and go for a jog in the morning. Also, I think I will use the Gazelle right away when I get home during the week. Josh doesn't get home until almost 6:30 and then he likes to shower anyway so that gives me over a half an hour to work out. Assuming Jack leaves me in peace, yeah right but a girl can dream. Maybe my excitement will rub off on Josh and he will use the Ipod for more than just playing games in bed. I'll try to bribe him with Led Zepplin downloads!
On a totally unrelated note, Dani and Mom and I are going to see Sex and the City tonight and I am super excited! Although, I am just not the same viewer that I was when it was on the air. Back then I loved the fashion and the shoes and thought their lives were relatively realistic. Now... all I can think of is how I couldn't wear that because my bra strap would show or my Spanks would be too uncomfortable. I still love the shoes, but their lives, yeah right! On what planet could they function the way they do? I mean really, Miranda has a kid yet somehow she is still out multiple times a week with the girls at clubs or fancy restaurants in super cute clothes and into the wee hours. Do you know how much a babysitter costs these days? And you need reservations like years in advance to get into some of those places in New York. They are not exactly boozin' it up and then hitting the all night Chinese joint. But I will continue to live vicariously through them and be all "woe is me" about my life and the lack of trendy sushi bars in Libertyville. However, I know there is a wedding in the movie and I am sure that mine was better. I mean, how do you top a drunk chick getting arrested for beating the staff and peeing on the front lawn? It really was a lavish, elegant and sophisticated soiree!
Anyhoo, I must go back to work now so I don't get fired and then I'd really be in the crapper! Enjoy your weekends everybody!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Joyous News
I must say c-section babies are way cuter than natural delivery kids, sorry Jack! Weylin came out with a totally normal shaped head and everything! He is one stinkin' cute kid, but the genes are good so I didn't expect anything else. I just cannot wait to see him grow and change, his momma has become a pretty cool adult so he's got some good role models (Daddy's allright too ;) ) The next couple years are going to be really fun for all of us and I promise to not let Jack teach Weylin any bad words! We've been working on eradicating them from his vocabulary too.
Welcome to the world little man, I love your momma very much. Your mommy and daddy love you more than you will ever know and there are lots more of us who have loved you since the moment we first got that phone call. Your world will be filled with lots of crazies but they mean well. If you ever need a break just tell your mom you want to go for a drive. She and I used to prefer random roads in Wisconsin, they seemed better suited to clearing our heads. Happy Birthday Weylin!
Tales of a pauper
Thursday, May 22, 2008
It's Past my Bedtime

Potty training, yipee!! I cannot wait to be done with diapers!

Where is Jackson playing? you ask...

Umm, yeah... that would be the cat gym. And no he doesn't really fit. I think that we have to take it apart because he will not stop going in it but he can't get back out! Really, he's smart, I swear!

But look at how cute he is... He was saying "CHEEEEESE" for the camera.

And now he is swimming, I don't remember to where but it was somewhere adventurous!

And now he is going to work, at the job site, with the DIGGERS OF COURSE!!
Oh and we went to Colorado recently to visit with Jen & Howard & Owen. Here is a recap of that interesting trip...

He was helping to pack, next he put the cat in one and shut the top.

Heaven on Earth! The first day in Colorado and Jack is already sold! All Howard had to do was let him drive the BOBCAT!!!! and they were buddies for the rest of the trip.

And then we went to a Cubs game at Coors Field for like $9! The weather was beautiful and we were ready for a great game!

Daddy and Jack are watching basebawls... you know where you frow the bawl and run crazy!! I think Jacks game sound much more fun.

And then the meltdowns began, luckily the game was pretty much over. As soon as we started towards the car and Jack saw the HUGE tower crane the world was a better place again.

So the boys really played nicely the entire trip. Here they were being babies, Jack did have a paci in his mouth but once he realized it would be documented he spit it out.
Look at my super cute hubster! The Colorado sun really suits him.
Oh and yes were were up on a mountain, how high? you ask... very high!

Aren't we so cute? I am not sure what is going on with my neck though. I think it is because I am holding the camera up to take the picture... I am using the Gazelle I swear!
Before we came home we got to play at the local rec center pool. They even have a huge water slide that Josh, Howard and I really loved. We had a blast and the boys liked playing with the noodles. Jack is really getting better in the water. He held on to us for dear life except when he was "learning to swim" with the noodle!
O on the other hand is happy anywhere! I swear you could put that kid in a drawer and he would just blabber on and play with his toes or something! I miss them already!
Well I am sure that you have seen enough of us for a while. I will post something funny next time!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Mothers Day
My only wish for Mothers Day was to spend time with my family and to go to the Chicago Botanic Gardens in our area. I had been looking forward to the gardens for a while, last year when we went we were able to get a ton of wonderful pictures and had a wonderful day. Well this year, we had rain. Lots of rain, so the botanic gardens were vetoed. My moms wish of a picnic and playing at Independence Grove was vetoed as well. So, the moms, whose day this is supposed to be, didn't get their wishes.
But you know what, my Mothers Day was wonderful! It really wasn't about what we did or didn't do. I just had a great time hanging out with my husband and my son. Playing and eating pancakes and Reeses peanut butter cups. Josh made us breakfast and I gave Jack a haircut. We really took our time getting showered and out the door. It was leisurely, and fun, and perfect! I know, controlling and unflexible me had a wonderful time not doing what I wanted to do!
I think that us mothers get really hung up on the idea of Mothers Day. We build it up in our heads as this day when our husbands will suddenly realize how much we mean to them and miraculously rise up and worship the ground we walk on. They will intuitively know both our wishes and our needs, and meet them all. They will come home with gifts and kisses and thank yous. The card will be perfect and not for "My loved one overseas" ;) Our children will shower us with I love yous and hugs and perfect behavior. There will be no need for nagging or cleaning up as everyone will do what is asked and the house will stay neat.
This will never happen. We will always have to tell our husbands what we want in a gift, where we want to go and what time we need to be out the door. They will still ask us what they should wear, what the kids should wear and if they really have to shower. They will watch just one more minute of the race and they will be getting around to breakfast. But you know what, it's okay. It's okay if it rains (literally or figuratively) on our parade. It is okay if we still have to pick up the toys that got dumped out but not played with. It is okay if we have to get all the ingredients and utensils out for breakfast so that all our darling husband has to do is pour the batter. Because you know what, we love them and they love us. I am so blessed to have a husband who takes an active role in raising our son, in helping around the house, in keeping me sane. Even if he takes just as active a role in making me crazy in the first place. I am so blessed to have a beautiful, smart, funny kid who tells me he loves me with a laugh when I am being weird. Who sits still for the first time while I am cutting his hair and actually has an opinion about it (for the record, he wanted it short). I am so blessed to have two families that love me and my strange habits, even if I seem to pass all of them on to my son!
Despite the rain, despite not getting my way, I had a wonderful Mothers Day. It was perfectly imperfect. And I have everything that actually matters. I can go to a garden another time, now a day with my family just having fun and hanging out, that is a Mothers Day to remember.
And to all the moms out there, no matter how imperfect your day was, remember that you do make a difference. And even if no one ever says thank you, you still have the power to change your kids' lives. Even if you also do some blackmailing along the way... Happy Mothers Day!