The ins and outs of life as a working mom
Monday, March 31, 2008
A horrible ordeal
I am not asking you to donate, that is your own choice, but maybe post a supportive message to help lift them up in their time of need. Thank you on their behalf!
I know, I have created a monster!
Guitar and Bulldozer rain boots, perfect combo
His first gig! A very exclusive party at Uncle Travis' house!
Shirt? Check! Diaper? Check! Boots? Check! Pants? Hmmm....

Using a pillow as a blanket...

Pretending to sleep on the sofa.

Let me see... Y=X, carry the 1, multiple by C

Jackson and baby Timmy.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008
My excitement quickly dissipated
Monday, March 24, 2008
He is getting sooo big!!
Easter was a lot of fun. Jack totally caught on to the Easter Bunny thing. He ran around the house hunting for his basket and just being goofy. And he was genuinly excited each time he found something else. He was a trooper all through the Sunday festivities, his schedule was completely off but we managed with only a few minor meltdowns. Overall it was just a really nice weekend. Snow on the ground but lots of sun in the sky!
We are supposed to get a little more snow but I am just praying that it will skip us and we will warm up and enter spring. It can't go on like this forever. Well, I will post again soon with a bunch of up to date pictures. Until then enjoy your day! I am making Chicken Burritos for dinner, yummy!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Snow!? What the @#$%?!

Soon we will be able to take walks around the neighborhood and go play at the park. We will start doing outdoor activities on the weekends and maybe I will start jogging (ambitious, I know, but it could happen!). Josh will be able to teach Jack to throw a ball, so far he is a little uncoordinated... Owen throws a ball much better than Jack. But practice makes perfect and up until now we never really tried to play catch with Jack. So I know that they will have fun doing outdoor sports stuff.
Spring, spring, spring! Yellow, Pink, Blue, Green! Flowers and Bugs! Hooray! We got a kite with bugs on it the other day at the store and I have been itching to go and fly it. We have a huge field behind our house that is too overgrown in the summer to play in but semifrozen ground might be the perfect time. If not our park has a huge field and baseball diamonds that we could fly our kite in.
Thats all for now, Happy Easter! Happy Spring! Goodbye snow and winter!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
So, we are preparing for Easter. The baskets are out of storage, the gifts and candy are ready for assembly. We have decorated eggs around the house. Later this week we will hard boil and color eggs. I will also make deviled eggs, but not too many because Mom is making her own and I am sure that Josh's Aunt Margaret will make some for their get together (Deviled eggs are her "thing" so I don't want to step on any toes!). So we are excited. If Easter plays out at all like Christmas and Halloween, then Jackson will love it. I don't think that we will do the Bunny Tracks (flour footprints on the floor) this year, Jack is a little young for that still but maybe next year. I think that we will hide the basket as well as some plastic eggs and do a quick little hunt before breakfast and off to Moms. I don't want to do anything too elaborate because I am sure that Mom has a lot planned and we don't want to burn the kid out by 10 am.
I am excited! I love holidays and coming up with new traditions. I love to pass my excitement on to my children and hopefully, my husband. He does not share the same affinity for special occasions as I do. He really looks at holidays like they are a chore. I think that is sad, while there is sometimes work involved, I think that it is nice to plan something special and out of the ordinary every once in a while. And I also think that it is a nice treat to try and make a holiday special for your family and friends. Before we know it life will have flown by and we will wish that we had more time, more opportunities to spend with our loved ones, we will wish that we did more to show how much we cared. I just try to take advantage of every chance to bring a little joy to my family, every day would be great but I think putting a little extra care into the holidays is the least that I can do.
So on that note... Happy Easter! Enjoy the day in whatever way you celebrate. Whether it be with bunnies and baskets or crosses and scriptures, Sunday is a great day to remember the people you love and how lucky we are to have the lives that we do.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Let Go and Let God
But there is no rest for the weary, I need to do dishes and laundry too. My day is never done. It drives me crazy because Josh does not understand why I need him to do what I ask at the very moment that I ask it. Inevitably he will procrastinate and so while I am doing my share of the chores I am dwelling on what he is NOT doing and then I end up doing it myself out of fear that it just won't get done.
I hate having a messy house and some part of ours is always messy. I clean up Jacks toys multiple times a night and very rarely leave them out at the end of the night. But there is always a closet or corner that seems to collect all the crap that I am just too exhausted to deal with and eventually it will get so overwhelming that I have to spend most of a weekend just trying to rectify my laziness. Take my closet for example, I have been able to keep up on washing all of our laundry but by the time I am done with the rest of the crap that I have to cram into an evening (remember, I spent 8 hours of my day handling the work of 50 agents) I am too tired to tackle putting it away. So it piles up and Josh & I wear semi wrinkled clothes for a while until it gets so ridiculous that I have to put it all away at once instead of a little at a time. Or until it is all dirty and we start all over!
I know that it doesn't really make sense but right now I can only organize/fix one aspect of my life at a time and I am struggling to do even that. We are making strides with getting back on top of our bills and debt and hopefully our tax return will make big improvements but it is all just so stressful. I wish that I could win the lottery, pay someone to fix everything, then take a long vacation. Oh the things I would do if we won the lotto... I would not be one of those people who bought extravagant things and never worked again, instead preferring to dwindle their money away. Instead, I would continue to work, even just part time, I would buy a new car for both myself and Josh (nothing fancy just practical) I would buy a nice house that we could expand our family in and be comfortable for a long time, I would invest a lot and I would also donate to AIDS awareness/research, Cancer research/treatment and March of Dimes. I know, I have this all figured out. I even know what parts of the country we would buy property in based upon areas that are growing and improving and the property values there. I would also set aside money for Jackson and any additional children (I wouldn't tell them that nor would I just give it to them but it would be there if they needed help and would be theirs when I go). Trust me, I am very aware that I have thought more about how to spend my imaginary money than I have thought about how to better allocate the money I have now. But it helps me get through the tough times to think about life being easier some day.
So, now that I have just depressed and overwhelmed everyone reading this... but in all honesty things are looking up. Josh and I have hardly argued lately, Jackson seems to be listening a little bit better and every day we are working towards improving our lives. Whether it be applying for assistance or health insurance, paying a past due bill or simply going to church. We are making strides and that is the important part. Everybody struggles sometimes and the key is to not dwell in the trenches but to start digging and find a way out. I have faith that God has not forgotten about us, I know this because I speak with him often, and he only dishes out what we can handle. All the hardships that I have experienced in my life have made me the person that I am and I am grateful for that. When I need help or I feel like my life has become unmanageable I just turn it over to Him. And with that I am going to call it a day. I still have a half hour of work ahead of me.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Carrot Mint Puke & Missing Ironing Boards
And today has not been much of an improvement. I somehow lost our ironing board. I mean it is totally gone. How do you lose an ironing board?! I mean it is not exactly an item that is easily misplaced, we don't take it on vacation with us or on a quick trip up the block. It pretty much just stays in the laundy room. Perhaps there is some mysterious ironing board bandit roaming the streets of Mundelein looking for his next fix. Seriously, how does this stuff happen to me? It is not as though our home is so large that we have multiple rooms to store our missing items. Has anyone else lost a large item, a coffee maker or even a television perhaps?
Friday, March 7, 2008
Baby Steps

Wednesday, March 5, 2008
The Cat Weighs More
Speaking of Owen, I love having Jen and Owen in town. It is hard having some of our families so far away (Colorado and Florida). When they are home it just feels like the family is whole. Plus, it is so fun the way that Jack and Owen can play together now. They are perfectly content to run off to the other room and just talk and throw stuff by themselves. When it is just Jack, he never wants to play alone. One of us always has to be entertaining him.
Well, I really need to get back to work. I also need to try and come up with something to make for dinner. We are putting off a much needed trip to the grocery store so it looks like we might be eating frozen veggies and meatballs for dinner. Or La Choy (slimy, canned, processed, immitation Chinese food) which has been in the cabinet for about a year and I still don't know why I bought it in the first place. BLECH! I can just see it now, plopping onto the skillet with the rings from the can still visible... anyone hungry??
Monday, March 3, 2008
Thank You!!!

All's Well That Ends Well