The ins and outs of life as a working mom

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Cat Weighs More

So, Jackson had his 2 year check up with the doctor on Monday. Everything looks great, no signs of his prematurity at all. In fact, he is probably a little advanced for his age. So that is really good. However, he is super super skinny. He weighs 23 lbs. 23 lbs, at age 2! To put this in perspective, Owen (Jack's cousin) turns 1 on Saturday and he weighs 23 lbs. 23 lbs, at age 1, and he is not even in the upper weight percentages for his age. So needless to say Jack needs to fatten up. I am not worried for his health or anything, he is just tall and skinny. Or as Jen put it "Chicken bone". I think he would put on more weight if he would just eat better. The kid still eats like he is all gums- if you do not mash up his meat and mix with so much sauce and potatoes or veggies that you cannot even tell it is there, he just spits it out. Or he will do the chipmunk thing and chew it up and then store it in his cheeks until his cheeks are too full to hold any more and he has to spit it out. So Gross. I am just praying that this is just a phase and that he will grow out of it. I mean, he won't still be spitting out his food at 18 right?! I think that it is more annoying than anything else, yeah I want him to gain weight but more importantly I just want to be able to give him whatever we are eating. Take Owen for example, he only has 5 teeth and he is just a little squirt but he'll eat pizza, hot dogs, whatever. Little Maya, he is so funny.

Speaking of Owen, I love having Jen and Owen in town. It is hard having some of our families so far away (Colorado and Florida). When they are home it just feels like the family is whole. Plus, it is so fun the way that Jack and Owen can play together now. They are perfectly content to run off to the other room and just talk and throw stuff by themselves. When it is just Jack, he never wants to play alone. One of us always has to be entertaining him.

Well, I really need to get back to work. I also need to try and come up with something to make for dinner. We are putting off a much needed trip to the grocery store so it looks like we might be eating frozen veggies and meatballs for dinner. Or La Choy (slimy, canned, processed, immitation Chinese food) which has been in the cabinet for about a year and I still don't know why I bought it in the first place. BLECH! I can just see it now, plopping onto the skillet with the rings from the can still visible... anyone hungry??