So, it turns out that I am not much of a June Cleaver, Martha Stewart type. I ended up way behind on Saturday so all the decorating was done by my mom, Christy and Marissa. Granted they did a great job, better than I would have, but it was still such a let down knowing that I just didn't get it together. My sister ended up sleeping through her initial flight so the party dragged on for a looonggg time waiting for her to get there. People were noticably bored and rightly so. I planned one dippy little game but certainly not enough to fill a good two hours. But Jackson had a great time playing in his jungle and eating his cupcakes. He was even attentive and excited through all his presents. And that in and of itself was an incredible feat, that kid got a ton of gifts! So, despite some major flaws in the design, the party turned out okay. I vow to make next years party even better, and without burnt cupcakes.
Aside from birthday parties gone awry, my relatively decent diet went right out the window this week. I don't know if it was just a result of being too busy or lazy or what, but this past week I ate more fast food and drank more soda that I usually do in a year. I am not exaggerating. I had McDonalds, Wendy's, chinese food, pizza, snacks and probably a case of soda by. my. self. !@#$% I swear, I am already way too close for comfort to the dreaded 200 mark and I am certain that this week did me no favors in the weight loss department. On the plus side though, Josh did get our new exersize machine put together! Today is a new day. So far I have not broken any deadly sins (well at least not glutony) and I am determined to get back into the swing of things. No more soda, back to water, juice and milk. No more fast food, well until pizza on Saturday. I have to stay on track because if I run into one more skinny bitch I went to school with while I look like an overstuffed sausage I will bury myself alive. You can hold me to that. I will just buy myself a laptop and leave posts from beyond the grave. Morbid, I know, but you should see my midsection. (By the way, I gave up on the whole sign off thing... too anchorwoman!)