Soon we will have tulips and GREEN! It has been so long since we have had green and sun! I cannot wait to go back to the Botanic Gardens near our home, it is such a fun way to celebrate the changing of the seasons. Plus Jack is a little older this year and so we will probably get some great pics and have so much fun. I am thinking that we will plan a trip there next month some time.
Soon we will be able to take walks around the neighborhood and go play at the park. We will start doing outdoor activities on the weekends and maybe I will start jogging (ambitious, I know, but it could happen!). Josh will be able to teach Jack to throw a ball, so far he is a little uncoordinated... Owen throws a ball much better than Jack. But practice makes perfect and up until now we never really tried to play catch with Jack. So I know that they will have fun doing outdoor sports stuff.
Spring, spring, spring! Yellow, Pink, Blue, Green! Flowers and Bugs! Hooray! We got a kite with bugs on it the other day at the store and I have been itching to go and fly it. We have a huge field behind our house that is too overgrown in the summer to play in but semifrozen ground might be the perfect time. If not our park has a huge field and baseball diamonds that we could fly our kite in.
Thats all for now, Happy Easter! Happy Spring! Goodbye snow and winter!
1 comment:
Ahhhh Shan, I love your optimistic outlook. There are a few robins out in the yard this am and their song will bring thoughts of fishing, mowing, gardening, flowers. Ah yes, it will soon come. I will expect our backyard campground to be a part of your summer artinerary. And pictures. yes I will expect lots of pictures of that sweet boy....later love
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