The ins and outs of life as a working mom

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Okay, so I still cannot do much blogging because I am at work and I am swamped. But my computer is going to the doctor today so I should be able to resume my witty posting next week. I will keep you all (all 10 of you if I am lucky) posted as to my return! Oh and the entire Allen clan is sick (allergies, stomach bugs, colds, pnuemonia- we have it all) so we have been keeping our germy selves in bed as much as possible. Last night Josh, Jack and I spent the night in bed reading books and watching tv. It was really nice. Dani is also home for the summer with her crazy dog (who has fleas, ack!). And we finally take Smokey to the vet tomorrow morning to get spayed and declawed, yipee!! I feel so bad that he will be in pain but I cannot wait for a clawless cat! Anywho, gotta go tend to my piles that are threatening to collapse in on my and bury me alive at my desk. At least my barking cough would alert people to my location. Talk to you soon!


Anonymous said...

Well, yay your back!!!!!I still have the link on my desktop so you dont have to send it again. I felt all alone here in Blogdom...Sorry to hear you are all sick. I hope you mend in a hurry...I havent talked to dani yet, she was asleep when I called....Love you sweet patootie...kiss that babe for me....grammi

Espresso Mom said...

Oh woman! Get better!

Mrs. Warwick said...

We miss you guys so much! Thanks for putting Owen's picture on your blog. We hope you guys enjoyed your 1st family vacation in Colorado. And we are honored that you came to visit us! Jackson and Owen need to be together. They get along so well! They really compliment eachother. I know it's good to be home...I just can't wait for your home to be here, in beautiful Colorado. We're ready for you...Love Jen